Monday, April 27, 2009


I'm obsessed with earning trophies. I have been for a while but after earning my first platinum trophy for Resident Evil 5 I fell off the deep end. I guess it's not that bad? lol Anyways I recently went into gamestop and they were having a buy 2 get one free sale. So I bought Uncharted,Dark Kingdom and Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection. All having trophies except for Dark Kingdom. Uncharted is actually a fucking great game,top notch platformer along the lines of the prince of persia games.. but there's gun play as well. The Sonic collection is great,just being able to get trophies for things like get a 1,000 gold in Alex Kidd is fun. But why write a blog about it? Because there is a task so unheard of I had to write about it. If you beat Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine you get a gold trophy. G O L D. So I must have it.. although no mortal man has ever beaten MBM. I have been trying for over an hour now but I must take a break to sleep. I will have that damn trophy.