Sunday, March 8, 2009


I don't really have anything amusing to post. Oh well I am turning 24 on April 2nd. Which is so fucking weird, It's weird because I still feel like I'm 10. I'm 10 but I'm saying I'm turning 24, it's like I'm in the movie "Big". Where's my giant piano to stomp on? I'd probably get frustrated and then shit all over it anyways.
Then I'd admit to that chic I was with that she'd been fucking a little boy this whole time.
Now I really wish I had the money to remake that movie.
I'd call it "Large" it would be rented by a bunch of people expecting something else.


  1. Big was such an odd movie... I want a piano too.

    ...April 2nd. Got it :D

  2. nude pics always welcome as a present! :O

  3. Aww, you spoiled the surprise XD

  4. Ack! Happy Belated Birthday. does it feel to be 10? :D

  5. lol it is awesome,i am starting to grow hair in funny places.

  6. Thank you for the wonderful comment you left on my blog <3 It means a lot coming from you!

  7. 365 days of butts? Hmm, i wonder if ones bottom changes much in the course of a year? Orrr i suppose what would be more interesting is 365 different butts.

    There would HAVE to be a male version too, you know. Its only fair :p
